Increase Your Light Quotient

Golden RAE

Rae Lee - Wimberley, Texas
Authenticity Coach
Balancing Light & Shadow
Multi-Dimensional Harmonizer​
Scientific Spiritual Sherlock

Golden Plasma Techniques
Liquid Light & Liquid Love
Quantum Field
Have you Listened to your Heart Song Lately?
Your Authentic Soul Signature
Harmonize Your Inner Self
Discover the harmony within by understanding the multifaceted aspects of your personality and how they work together to form you. Build a strong foundation for your true self to flourish, rooted in self-love and balance. Be willing to face your Shadow self.​
Tools for Transformation, Wholeness & Protection
Equipping you with practical strategies and insights to navigate life's challenges. Whether it's setting goals or making significant changes, you're not alone on this path. Pulling up the shadow weeds that are holding you back.
Clearing & Alignment
So many layers have been placed upon you like straight-jackets, lets remove all that is holding you back from Being your truest lightest self in the world. Pulling up the shadow weeds that are holding you back and interfering with you singing your best Song in life.​
Authentic Connections will be Magnetized to You
Vibrational Recalibration Provided. Begin with nurturing a profound connection with yourself. From there, watch as your relationships with others deepen, bringing joy and fulfillment into your life.​​​​

Rae's coaching is a lighthouse for those seeking to enhance their relationships, personal development, and life's purpose. Inner connection with our HEART center will bring the abundance in all areas of your life as this authenticity will be reflected in your atmosphere, career, soul purpose and relationships.

Are you ready to
Improve your Quality of Life?

Golden RAE Coaching is sensitive to a variety of client needs. Specialties in Women, Conscious Beings, LGBTQ+, HSPs (highly sensitive persons) and the neurodiverse.
As a coaching professional and presenter, Golden RAE aims to deliver education, insights and inspiration, leaving you with a deeper truth of Yourself.